Weed Walk
June 5, 2012
Green greetings to you all.
Thanks so much for your feedback. Sounds as if we are all having lots of fun with these virtual weed walks and enjoying real weed walks too. Yes! It is wonderful how the children thrive when we take them out and munch wild greens with them. Herbal medicine is people’s medicine. And it starts with the kids.
Can you feel the power of the energy of growth? Hildegard of Bingen (an herbalist and a nun who lived and wrote a thousand years ago) called it veriditas, the greening force. Go outside and sit quietly and absorb it. Let your heart beat as one with the great green heart of the Earth.
This week I am focusing on some interesting medicinal member of the rose family: the potentilla sisters! Also featured are the buttercup babes, the chickweed cousins, and a couple of interesting soloists.
Your recipe this week is a no-holds-barred wild wild wild salad. How many edible plants can you find to put in your summer salad? My list of thirty favorites follows. Share your most exciting wild salads with us. Yum!
Big medicines coming into bloom. Next week we will find them and make big medicine.
Until then, may you be wrapped in green blessings.
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